George Floyd

A los 46 años

Falleció en , el día 25 de mayo de 2020


La comunidad internacional

Nunca te olvidaremos

George será enterrado en Houston el próximo sábado 6 de junio.

El asesinato de George Floyd no será en vano. Terminemos de una vez este sinsentido del racismo. #BlackLivesMatter

Esta es una necrológica de George Floyd publicada debido a su fallecimiento el en , . Para contribuir a su obituario o para enviar condolencias a la familia de George Floyd, por favor escribe un comentario.


  1. Jael Lizarraga 2 junio, 2020 at 10:34 pm - Reply

    Entendemos y sabemos lo que es pasar por una perdida tan dolorosa, es un dolor que nos hiere en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser, mas si es alguien que amamos, entonces puede imaginarse como se siente Dios al vernos sufrir…la biblia dice en Génesis 6:6 «sintió un gran dolor en el corazón».más sin en cambio Jehová aparte de que nos entiende el tiene el poder para acabar con la maldad y con el enemigo de todos la _MUERTE_ en Apócalipsis 21:4 «y les secará toda lágrima de sus ojos y la muerte no será más. » podemos tener la plena confianza de que su palabra La biblia es una clara muestra de lo que Dios hará en un futuro, promete que los muertos resucitarán y que la gente vivirá en la tierra y será muy feliz en ella. Si ustedes desea aprender más visite este Link lo enviara directamente al sitio

  2. Alma de Gómez 3 junio, 2020 at 3:27 am - Reply

    Familia Floyd

    Lamento la pérdida de su ser querido solo los que hemos perdido a un ser querido en la muerte sabemos lo que están pasando por esa razón la Biblia llama a la muerte un enemigo y es que a su paso deja mucho dolor y sufrimiento.
    Jesucristo sufrió ese mismo dolor cuando murió su amigo Lázaro y por ello nos prometió que muy pronto acabaría con la muerte y sus palabras quedaron registradas en Juan 5:28,29 el dijo » no se asombren de esto porque llegará el día en que todos los que están en las tumbas oirán su voz y saldrán»
    Así es muy pronto volveremos a ver a nuestros seres queridos que han muerto esta promesa no es un sueño es una realidad que se cumplirá sin falta y usted y su familia pueden beneficiarse de esto, si desea saber como y cuando se hará realidad le invito a visitar nuestro sitio de internet en el encontrará mucha información sobre el tema le aseguro que obtendrá grandes beneficios.
    También puede darle clic al siguiente enlace es un video de menos de dos minutos que nos explica lo que nos espera en un futuro cercano

    Que Jehová Dios les de el consuelo y la fortaleza que están necesitando en estos momentos

  3. Nohemí 3 junio, 2020 at 3:42 pm - Reply

    Dear George Floyd Family: I want to express to you that I am very sorry for the loss of your loved one, we live in a world so unfair that sometimes it takes the people we love the most. And seeing how there is so much suffering in the world, we realize how much we need the kingdom of God to come soon. And it is that this kingdom will bring many benefits for humanity and achieve the fulfillment of God’s purpose for the earth (Genesis 1:28). And one of the things that God will do through his kingdom in the hands of his Son Jesus Christ he will do. it is in part what is mentioned in Isaiah 25: 8 that says thus: «He will remove death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe the tears from all faces. He will remove from all the earth the disgrace of his people, because Jehovah Himself has said it «So, some of the things that Jehovah God will do is bring back to life our loved ones who have died, in addition to eliminating all the evil and suffering we see in the world. It will no longer allow injustices to exist. I hope with all my heart that knowing what God will do in the near future can alleviate even a little the sadness you feel at this moment and comfort you, since they are promises of a loving and impartial God who does not lie (Titus 1: 2). At the moment, I want to share with you through a link that will appear at the end, very important information that tells us about the hope we have and that becomes more real when we get to know God by studying His Word, the Bible. Receive a respectful and cordial greeting from a Jehovah’s Witness.

  4. Bryan Ibargüen 4 junio, 2020 at 3:37 pm - Reply

    To Family Floyd

    Dear Family Floyd, we deeply feel the lost of George Floyd, unfortunately we live in a world full of bad people who dont know how to love and live in peace together, but theres a promise that personally make me feel
    a bit better in this situations, maybe we dont know what is like to lose a Son or a Brother or a member of our family, but what the Bible says in Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 says:

    And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

    As you can read and see, there is a promise for all of us, despite the bad people with a wicked way to see diferent culture or race, nothing can put ourselves apart of god’s love, he loves us how we are

    Hope that this words may help in this tragic and painful situation, i have cried for George cause this is so hard for me and i hate to see pain and tears, this is why im sending this words

    I say Hi! To a beautiful Family, your Family, we are Jehova’s Witnesses my name is Bryan Ibargüen, and my moms name is Clara Ibargüen, we invite you to visit our website

    This is to see how we can get this beautiful promise of Everlasting Life on Earth—A God-Given Hope

    Our deepest condolences for you Family Floyd

    By: Bryan & Clara Ibargüen

  5. D. Lja 7 junio, 2020 at 3:25 pm - Reply

    When a person dies in this sad way, we feel excruciating pain but God offers us a wonderful comfort in his word. Acts 24:15 «I have hope in God, hope that these men also have, that there will be a resurrection.»
    A resurrection in a paradise that will be beautiful, where we will all live in peace and unity without any distinction.

  6. Daniela Alejandro 13 junio, 2020 at 4:54 pm - Reply

    We are very sorry for all the injustices. I leave this link for all of you to see it. It is very interesting because it talks about injustices and racism.

  7. Daniela Alejandro 13 junio, 2020 at 5:05 pm - Reply

    We are very sorry for all the injustices. I leave this link for all of you to see it. It is very interesting because it talks about injustices and racism

  8. Norma Ortiz 13 junio, 2020 at 5:06 pm - Reply


    When Will Loyal Love Triumph Over Hatred?

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